Jess' Reflections - Mem Fox
I chose to read ch. 7 titled: Flashing Screens or Turning Pages. This chapter was of particular interest to me because of my 4 yr. old son, Logan. I feel that he is too dependent on watching tv. He always has to be watching nickelodeon or cartoon network. While reading some of the chapter, I saw myself. Logan has all the things the chapter talks about. He has his own tv, vcr, dvd player, computer, video games, and a bike. But he does have books. Logan has a lot of books. He has a book case by his bed for easy access. There are books of all different types from picture books to big story books. Every once in a while he will have an interest to read them but for the most part they just sit in the case. This worries me. He has all the necessities that children need in order to read. He has books of different varieties that are HIS books. Logan can read whenever he wants. My husband and I try to read to him everynight. Notice I said try. Logan thinks he should watch cartoon network before bed. That is where I start to worry. Reading on through the chapter I learned that kids NEED some tv. T.V. is not all bad. It is the programs watched that make it bad. Television shows and movies have turned alot of people onto the books the shows are made after. They even help to understand the books a little better. I think my biggest obstacle is going to be getting my son to read more. I know he is still young but I have to start somewhere, right?
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