Thursday, October 05, 2006

Jess' Reflction - Graves - Ch.2

When I started this chapter, I immediately saw myself in the teacher. I am not a huge fan of writing. I knew that if I had to teach it I did not think I would be very good at it. When I was in school, I was never given the choice on what to write. I didn't like to write at all. We were pretty much treated the way it mentions in the chapter - here is your paper, your topic, get busy, you have 45 minutes until you turn it in. That was all. Maybe that is one of the reasons why I do not like to write. It is really the same with reading. It is not that I am not good at it, I just don't like to read for readings sake. It has to be interesting for me to read recreationally. If I HAVE to read it, then I will but not on my own free will.
I really like the way this chapter seperates the age groups and shows ways for each to get into writing. Some of the things mentioned in the book so far I have been able to see some similar approaches in the class room that I am in this semster. The students have a folder for writing and each morning when they come into the room they get their folder and get busy. When the students are done, the folder is checked by the teacher for the days writing and is put away until the next day.
I feel this book will teach me alot about writing. I think it will give me a different outlook on writing when the book is finished. Who knows, by the end of this class, I may like writing.


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