Monday, October 30, 2006

Lit & Lit 1 - UH - Swim - F2006

Lit & Lit 1 - UH - Swim - F2006
Kia Ch 7-Surround the Children with Literature

After reading Ch. 7, the thing that sticks out most at me is the fact that we can bring in authors. I was so excited to hear this. It is especially valuable when the children can see that the people who write "real books" are real people. I remember some of the younger children at Mokapu Elementary. If they saw a teacher outside of school, say at the grocery store, they would be so confused. They ask, "Aren't you suppose to be at school?" They don't realize that teachers also go grocery shopping and don't live at school. It would be a real plus to "bring to life" an author.


Blogger Jess said...

I will admit that I use to think that when I was little. I think that it is really important for kids to know "how" things come about and to know that the people creating are just regular everyday people.

4:13 PM  

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