Henderson Reflection 15 - 17
I chose to reflect on ch. 17. I did not realize there was so many elements involved in writing. I do not think that I have great handwriting but it is legilble. My kids in the first grade are just starting to become good writers with hand writing. Most of them are still having problems with which way their b's and d's go as well as there p's and q's. They have problems with the height of their letters and sometimes there is a capital letter when there should not be. I do not think I can stress to them enough the importance of their handwriting. This past Thursday I was grading the spelling tests, because I could not read half of the letters I marked it incorrect. I also marked off for capital letters when there shouldn't be. I do not think I have ever heard so many students complain. My mentor teacher was great though. She backed me up and told them if they didn't write the letters neat enough to read, then it was going to be marked incorrect. I know they are just learning but if they are not told about it now they wil not correct it. When I was in school, we got graded on penmanship. I am not sure if it is still part of the grade but it will be something that I will take into account with my own class. I don't think I would teach it to the extreme that the chapter lists under pressure though.. I did not know all that affected handwriting.
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