Sunday, January 28, 2007

Henderson Ch.1 and 2

After reading these two chapters, I tried to think back to when I was in school. I tried to remember the way I was taught to read. It must have been the sounding out way because that is what I find myself doing with my students. Last semester, I noticed a couple of the students that were not strong readers at all, look to the pictures in the story to help them read. Some of the time they would get the words right, sometimes they wouldn't. I have noticed the phonics are used in reading strategies 95% of the time. I understand using the pictures and context clues to help with reading but what do you do when there are no pictures and the clues are not good enough?

In the beginning of the 2nd chapter, it talked about a teacher's reading goals . This made me stop to think about my own reading goals and how I would develop them. I know the goals are based on the level that my students are own. Before I develop my goals I need to evaluate my own level of reading. What is my main form of reading? What do I DO when I am stuck on a word? Answering questions like that for myself will help me to form more effective reading goals for my students.


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