Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kendrah's Chapter 7 Reading Response

In Chapter 7 Taberski write about the topic of "Read Aloud and Shared Reading: Demonstrating Strategies in Whole- Class Settings". I was very intrigued by this title because my fourth grade class does quite a bit of read alouds and shared readings with their teacher and she encourages me to do it with them too. As I continued reading I found that selecting a variety of genres is very important like Greg emphasizes much in class because some children may not be able to read on their own. For children to become strategic readers the teacher must introduce new topics (by selecting fiction, factual texts, poetry) and reading it to them. It is important to have new vocabulary and using it in front of them because they may hear new or familiar words which can extend a child's vocabulary. Also read alouds and shared readings can be used for children to write about what they read or about a story they heard. Read alouds and shared readings also promote a love for reading and more. I think the most interesting thing that I read in this chapter was strategies for comprehension. Some students are discouraged to read because they dont understand what they read or their minds get filled with so much information that they forget everything that was read to them. Taberski writes that "stopping to think" about what you're reading is a strategy that could be demonstarted to students to use. Questions such as, 1. What do I think is going to happen?, 2. Why do i think this is gong to happen?, & 3. Prove it by going back to the story? can be asked in sections of the book before moving on. Taberski also writes about demonstrating story mapping, character mapping, as well as strategies for students to use in shared readings when figuring out words. In conclusion, as teachers we must show students connections and help them make new ones. Its repetition of strategies that help students become btter readers.


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