Thursday, October 05, 2006

Kieu's Mem Fox Reflection- CH6

Far too often, I pick up a book and struggle to read the pages assigned in class. Sometimes, I have to read a sentence five times before I can absorb what I've read. Mem Fox's chapter 6 was not one of those cases. At first, I thought it was a bit silly for her to write this chapter the way she did. Yet, as I read on, I found that I actually liked the change in style. It's different. Her personal stories helped make the reading more interesting and easier to understand.

I believe the most important aspect of my future classroom would be "relationships". Not just the relationship between my students and myself, but also between students and with parents. I have heard that it is important to be their teacher and not their friend, but I think I may disagree with that. There has to be a balance of both in order for the relationship to be successful. As the teacher, my role would be to encourage my students to put their best effort into any work and to guide them through whatever difficulties they may have. As their friend, I would share my experiences with them the way they would share their experiences with me. I think it's unfortunate, but a lot of teachers (some that I have had) have this 'holier than thou' attitude towards their students. It's important for them to see that we make mistakes all the time and that it's okay for them to make mistakes as well. Furthermore, I would try to include parents as much as possible. If we want our students to succeed, parents and teachers need to work together more often to help provide continuity once the child leaves the classroom and goes home.


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