Henderson Reflection - Ch 12, 13, 14 ~~Graves
The last three chapters of the section are all about conferencing. They all go together which makes it easier to relfect on. Conferencing, as I have learned in class, is very important to get kids going in writing. It lets you as the teacher know what the student has going on. It gives you ideas on how to motivate them for future activities. In one of the chapters, one of the teachers made the comment of conferencing taking the place of correction marks on the paper. I like that outlook. So many students get their papers returned with a gazzillion red marks that it discourages them from further writing. I do conferencing every wed. and thurs. It is not as in depth as what we have been practicing because I am dealing with 1st graders but I still go around and ask them different questions while they are doing their writing assignment. The students cannot turn in anything for a grade until it has all been corrected. They make serveral trips to my desk but at least they can correct through conferencing instead of seeing all the red on their papers.
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