Thursday, January 18, 2007

Megan's Response- Chap 1

Reading Response: Chap 1<>
I’m really looking forward to this semester! This book seems like such a helpful resource! I agreed with many different views in chapter 1 and learned about a few new ones. I agree that children have to be able to draw meaning from any text and that they can best do that by reading something that they can personally relate to. Also, I agree that reading books should be introduced at the same time letter sounds and syntax are introduced. This way the children can learn to read not only through phonics, but also through context and picture clues. Some of the new views that I was introduced to in this reading were the skills that I as a teacher need to develop to better teach each individual student to read. I now see that teaching reading skills must be very individualized and personalized to benefit the student. Also, children need to be assessed and responded to about their reading level if they are to effectively improve. As I stated earlier, I am really looking forward to learning about reading this semester! -Megan Gilbert


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