Thursday, October 05, 2006

Jess' Reflection - Graves - Ch.4, 5 & 6

In chapter 4, I liked the fact that the teacher re-evaluated his teaching style. He was aware that he needed a change. I am one that likes discipline in the classroom. If I see that it is interferring with what the students need then I will adapt and change just like the teacher did in ch. 4. I also like the writing idea at the end of the chapter. The idea of having the students start out writing to classmates, then other classes and eventually other students in the neighborhood maybe another state is an idea that I would want to use with my students.
In chapter 5 one of the first things mentioned is that teachers NEED to write with the students. When the teacher writes with the students, the process is done out loud so the students can hear it. The students need to hear about the topic choice, how to get started on the piece, looking for a better work and so on. I have seen all three ways of Model Writing performed with the students. The first one, just sitting with the students and writing, is performed in our Lit class every Monday. The second, using large sheets of paper clipped to the board, in a technique that my mentor uses in her class. The last one, using the overhead projector, is one that I have seen quite regularly in other classes.
While I was reading ch.6, I realized that I have never heard about having the work published. The first time I heard about publishing work was the first day of this class. I think it is a wonderful idea for little kids to see their work in books. It is definitely something that I will keep in mind for the future.


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