Sunday, April 01, 2007

Jess Ch. 7, 8 , 9, & 10

READ ALOUD, SHARED READING, and GUIDED READING - When you read about these three activities, you really can't get the whole picture until they have been demonstrated. In my field course, I have experienced the read aloud and the shared reading. Both of these are on our list of "things to do". I have witnessed my mentor teaching doing the read aloud. She read The Bridge to Terabithia to the students while they followed along in their books. I have participated in a shared reading with some students as well. I have yet to witness a real guided reading in action. Even in the 1st grade last semseter, that was something that I did not witness. Even though I have read about the guided reading, I still would not have a clue as to what it was if it would not have been demonstrated in class. Each one of these activities is an important tool in the reading arsenal. It is one thing to read about but until you see it in action it really doesn't come to life.

In word study groups, there was one part in particular that stood out to me - spelling patterns. Last semester working with the 1st graders, their readers were big on spelling patterns. Each story had its own set of words to use. You would start with one word then tell the students to replace the first letter with another letter or replace the last letter with another letter to make a whole new word. I think exercises like this are invaluable because it helps the student (esp. the little ones) to add more words to their vocabulary (not to mention their word bank books).

After the whole class and the group work, the next step is the one on one conferencing. What better way to know your students strengths and weakness' than to work with them alone. This is where you really see what the student can or in some cases cannot do in terms of reading and writing. This is where you tell them what they are doing good in, what they need to work on, and then send them to practice so you can conference with the next student. For me this would be a good assessment time. This time also lets me see who I can pair students up with based on their abilities esp with the older students.


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